SESAMi’s contract management solution operationalizes your contracts to ensure proper management at both Transactional and Content level.
Contract Management
The Contract management process starts at award recommendation where information on the contract is captured. Upon award approval, a contract is auto-created along with a Letter of Award (LOA) which is sent to supplier via the portal. Once the contract is auto-created, tracking of contract utilization will start.
Contract manager will be given the rights to view these contracts under contract management, which also gives them the utilization tracking view.
Email alerts can be set to trigger the limit for total period contract amount and for period contract expiry. Contract will track at value per contract per supplier or track at Tender / RFx master contract value.

There are four types of contracts that can be created from the contract management module:
Direct Contracting (Non-Sourcing Contract)
Catalogue Contracting (Sourcing or Non-Sourcing Contract)
RFx / Tender Contracting (Direct Conversion)
RFx / Tender Contracting (Conversion from Framework Agreement)
Contract Status - Upon award recommendation approval / Direct Contract creation approval, all Tender / RFx are auto-created with a contract which is activated immediately. Contract manager is allowed to change the status of the contract to suspended or terminated. When status is changed to suspended, no additional shopping carts can be created until the status is reverted to active. This is applicable also for all catalogue contracts. If the status is changed to terminated, the contract will no longer be able to revert to active status.
Contract Variation - The contract manager can perform contract variation for all Tender / RFx contracts. The 2 types of variation that can be done are; (1) reduction in quantity / value, (2) creating additional optional items. For the 2nd type, creating additional optional items, there will be an approval required, using customized approval matrix. When creating the optional items, the type of tracking will also be selected; i.e. Tracking at value per contract per supplier OR Tracking at Tender / RFx master contract value.
Contract Tracking - Contract tracking commences once contracts are created. The different method of performing contract tracking will be specified under award recommendation. The tracking is default at item level which tracks PO created for each item and quantity / value. The contract manager can view the PO created under each contract under the contract utilization view.